Cuesta San Vicente s/n. 28008 Madrid.
Teléfono: +34 914548800
Located behind the Royal Palace, it is said that it was where the Arab troops camped when besieging the then Fortress, in 1109.
In the XVII century Felipe IV made improvements in the place and hunted there. However, it was Isabel II who had it landscaped to create a park and garden, designing the flower-beds, the two main walks, the Great Glasshouse, the Shell Fountain and Tritons Fountain.
The garden as we see it today, is a result of restoration carried out in 1890. It is at that time that it becomes a romantic English-style landscaped garden. A wood, gently sloping meadows, statues, fountains, walks, rock gardens and a magnificent wrought iron railing make up the new garden. The older two great fountains and main walks were kept thus forming a mixed-style garden combining straight lines with curves in one. The combination is what gives the garden its monumental palatial air.
Among its 70 species of trees a cople of pines and yews, an oak and a sequoia are worthy of note for their great age.