405 Promenade des Anglais. 06200 Nice.
Teléfono: + 33 492297700
Fax: +33 492297701
Located at one end of the Promenade of the English and separated from the sea by the airport, the 2500 species that have been planted in this park are divided into 20 thematic areas, clearly distinguished by their content, and in which it is possible to study the ethnobotany, ecology and evolution of the Mediterranean flora.
Furthermore, visitors are able to enjoy the tropical and subtropical flora and fauna of the so-called Green Diamond, an impressive greenhouse covering 7000 m² of floor space and measuring 25 m high, considered one of the largest in Europe and host to an important botanical collection. The examples of Roystonea regia, Cocos nucifera (bearing fuit!), Livistona decora, Bismarkia nobilis and Caryotas tand out among the wide selection of palm trees. Orchids, bromelias and ferns, as well as insects, reptiles and birds from tropical and sub-tropical latitudes make this a difficult area to repeat.
The lake, the musical fountains, the bamboo forest, the birds of prey, animals in semi-freedom, children’s games, theatre, picnic area, the library and the Asian Art Museum give an idea the myriad possibilities of this public park, designed to unite leisure with science and in which anyone can learn and at the same time enjoy a wonderful day out.
It is surprising, however, that alongside the modern design and the obvious economic input, we finds ourselves with the ugly detail of part of the street lighting hanging from the palms, as if they were lights at a fairground.