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- Palmiers
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- Articles d’intérêt
- Déclaration des droits des palmiers
- Entretien avec Michael Ferry et Susi Gomez de l’Estación Phoenix à Elche, Espagne
- Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius
- L’ancienne Culture Méditerranéenne du Palmier
- Les cultures de plantes rituelles et l’artisanat de la palme blanche
- Microcycas calocoma, une vieille préhistorique
- Trujillo du Pérou au XVIIIe siècle. Martínez Compañón (novembre, 2008)
- Un autre arbre du Paradise
- Une mort annoncée? Rhynchophorus ferrugineus vs. Phoenix canariensis
- Galerie photos
- Palmiers dans l’art
- Articles d’intérêt
- Saviez-vous que…?
- Tienda
- Utilisation de cookies
- Palácio de Queluz
- Veitchia merrillii
- Trithrinax schizophylla var. biflabellata
- Sabal rosei
- Sabal gretherae
- Rhapis humilis
- Phoenix humilis
- Livistona lanuginosa
- Hyphaene coriacea
- Hedyscepe canterburyana
- Dypsis decipiens
- Copernicia baileyana
- Chamaerops humilis var. vulcano
- Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera
- Chamaedorea hooperiana
- Butia eriospatha
- Brahea decumbens
- Archontophoenix myolensis
- Archontophoenix maxima
- Zamia furfuracea
- Zamia floridana
- Strelitzia reginae
- Strelitzia juncea
- Strelitzia augusta
- Schefflera actinophylla
- Sansevieria cylindrica
- Ravenala madagascariensis
- Pandanus utilis
- Musella lasiocarpa
- Macrozamia moorei
- Macrozamia communis
- Dracaena drago
- Dioon spinulosum
- Dioon mejiae
- Dioon edule var. Rio Verde
- Dioon edule var. Queretaro
- Dioon edule var. Jacala Hidalgo
- Dioon edule var. angustifolia
- Dioon edule
- Cycas thouarsii
- Cycas taiwaniana
- Cycas rumphii
- Cycas revoluta
- Cycas panzhihuaensis
- Cycas media
- Cordyline australis var. atropurpurea
- Cordyline australis
- Olea europea, tipo “multiformas”
- Olea europaea, tipo “provincial"
- Olea europaea, tipo “pompom”
- Olea europaea, tipo “multibolas”
- Olea europaea, tipo “bonsai"
- Olea europaea, tipo “bonsai triple"
- Olea europaea, tipo “arbustivo”
- Olea europaea var. lechín
- Olea europaea var. arbequina
- Olea europaea
- Trachycarpus fortunei var. wagnerianus
- Yucca valida (whipplei)
- Yucca treculeana
- Yucca thompsoniana
- Yucca schotii
- Yucca schidigera
- Yucca rostrata
- Yucca rigida
- Yucca queretaroensis x
- Yucca queretaroensis
- Yucca peninsularis
- Yucca neomexicana
- Yucca mixtecana
- Yucca linearifolia
- Yucca gloriosa variegata
- Yucca gloriosa
- Yucca glauca
- Yucca filifera
- Yucca filamentosa variegata
- Yucca filamentosa
- Yucca faxoniana
- Yucca elephantipes variegata
- Yucca elephantipes
- Yucca elata
- Yucca decipiens
- Yucca brevifolia var. jaegeriana
- Yucca brevifolia
- Yucca baccata
- Yucca aloifolia variegata
- Yucca aloifolia
- Trichocereus pasacana
- Puya coerulea
- Pachycereus pringlei
- Opuntia robusta
- Opuntia leucotricha
- Opuntia ficus-indica
- Nolina nelsonii
- Kalanchoe beharensis
- Hesperaloe parviflora
- Furcraea selloa var. marginata
- Furcraea macdougalii
- Fouquieria diguetii
- Ferocactus stainesii
- Euphorbia ingens
- Euphorbia candelabrum
- Echinocactus grusonii
- Dasylirion wheeleri
- Dasylirion serratifolium
- Dasylirion quadrangulatum
- Dasylirion miquihuanense
- Dasylirion longissimum
- Dasylirion longifolium
- Crassula ovata
- Beschorneria yuccoides
- Beschorneria albiflora
- Beaucarnea recurvata
- Aloe x
- Aloe vera
- Aloe thraskii
- Aloe striata
- Aloe spinitriaggregata (x spinosissima)
- Aloe perfoliata
- Aloe marlothii
- Aloe ferox
- Aloe dichotoma
- Aloe castanea
- Aloe brevifolia
- Aloe babatiensis (bainesii)
- Aloe arborescens x
- Aloe arborescens
- Aloe africana
- Aloe aculeata
- Agave wildingii (winteriana)
- Agave weberi
- Agave victoriae-reginae
- Agave stricta
- Agave striata
- Agave sisalana
- Agave salmiana var. ferox
- Agave parryi
- Agave parrasana
- Agave ovatifolia
- Agave neocernua (neomexicana)
- Agave montana
- Agave macroacantha
- Agave longipes (lophantha)
- Agave lecheguilla
- Agave kerchovei
- Agave horrida
- Agave havardiana
- Agave geminiflora
- Agave fourcroydes (franzosinii)
- Agave filifera
- Agave desmettiana
- Agave decipiens
- Agave cupreata
- Agave cundinamarcensis
- Agave chrysantha
- Agave bracteosa
- Agave attenuata
- Agave applanata
- Agave angustifolia var. marginata
- Agave americana var. variegata
- Agave americana var. mediopicta
- Agave americana
- Wodyetia bifurcata
- Washingtonia robusta
- Washingtonia filifera
- Trithrinax schizophylla
- Trithrinax campestris
- Trithrinax brasiliensis
- Trachycarpus martianus
- Trachycarpus fortunei
- Thrinax radiata
- Syagrus schizophylla
- Syagrus romanzoffiana
- Syagrus coronata
- Serenoa repens
- Sabal yapa
- Sabal uresana
- Sabal palmetto
- Sabal minor
- Sabal mexicana
- Sabal mauritiiformis
- Sabal domingensis
- Sabal causiarum
- Sabal bermudana
- Roystonea regia
- Rhopalostylis sapida
- Rhapis excelsa
- Rhapidophyllum histrix
- Ravenea rivularis
- Ptychosperma macarthurii
- Ptychosperma elegans
- Pseudophoenix sargentii
- Pritchardia hillebrandii
- Phoenix theophrastii
- Phoenix sylvestris
- Phoenix rupicola
- Phoenix roebelenii
- Phoenix reclinata
- Phoenix dactylifera
- Phoenix canariensis
- Parajubaea torallyi torallyi
- Nannorrhops ritchiana
- Livistona saribus
- Livistona nitida
- Livistona muelleri
- Livistona mariae
- Livistona decora
- Livistona chinensis
- Livistona australis
- Latania lontaroides
- Jubaea chilensis
- Hyophorbe verschafeltii
- Hyophorbe lagenicaulis
- Howea forsteriana
- Howea belmoreana
- Dypsis lutescens
- Dypsis decaryi
- Dictyosperma album
- Copernicia alba
- Coccothrinax crinita
- Chambeyronia macrocarpa
- Chamaerops humilis
- Chamaedorea seifrizii
- Chamaedorea radicalis
- Chamaedorea elegans
- Chamaedora costaricana
- Caryota urens
- Caryota obtusa
- Caryota mitis
- Butia yatay
- Butia capitata
- Brahea edulis
- Brahea dulcis
- Brahea calcarea
- Brahea brandegeei
- Brahea armata
- Bismarckia nobilis
- Arenga engleri
- Archontophoenix cunninghamiana
- Archontophoenix alexandrae
- Allagoptera arenaria
- Acrocomia aculeata
- Acoelorraphe wrightii
Items portfolio
- Esfinge alada de Salobral
- Siliqua
- Siliqua
- Antoninianus
- Billon Tetradrachm
- Antoninianus
- Aureus
- Aureus
- Sestertius
- Bronze
- Bronze
- Denarius
- Denarius
- Sepphoris
- Tetradrachm
- Sestertius
- Caesarea
- Denarius
- Denarius
- Sestertius
- Quinarius
- Tetradrachm
- Drachm
- Tetradrachm
- Bronze dupondius
- Denarius
- Denarius
- Denarius
- Denarius
- Denarius
- Denarius
- Tetradrachm
- Tetradrachm
- 28 Billon Tetradrachm
- Octuple Unit
- Denarius
- Denaius serratus
- Denarius
- Drachm
- Tretradrachm
- Square unit
- Denarius
- Half-Drachm
- Stater
- Bronze
- Drachm
- Tetradrachm
- Tetradrachm
- Tetradrachm
- Half-Shekel
- 11 Bronze
- Tetradrachm
- Tetradrachm
- Stater
- 7 Tetradrachm
- Stater
- Tetradrachm
- Tetradrachm
- Tetradrachm
- Palmera en el Jardín
- El viaje
- La alegría de las estrellas
- La tentación de los dátiles
- Leones sentados
- The Temptation of the Dates
- Paradise
- Azulejo, Hotel de Mata Nacional do Buçaco Portugal
- Azulejo, Hotel de Mata Nacional do Buçaco Portugal
- Azulejo, Hotel de Mata Nacional do Buçaco Portugal
- Azulejo, Monte Palace, Azores
- Azulejo, Monte Palace, Azores
- Azulejo, Monte Palace, Azores
- Azulejo, Palácio Fronteira, Lisboa
- Azulejo, Palácio Fronteira, Lisboa
- Azulejo, Palácio Fronteira, Lisboa
- Azulejo, Palácio Fronteira, Lisboa
- Azulejo, Jardim do Ultramar, Lisboa
- Azulejo, Jardim do Ultramar, Lisboa
- Azulejo, Bedas, Portugal
- Azulejo, Bedas, Portugal
- Plaque représentant la mosquée de Médine
- Azulejos, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lisboa
- La palmera
- Ecce homo
- Jesús bendiciendo a los niños
- Reconciliación entre los dos hermanos Jacob y Esaú
- Isaac llevando al hombro la leña que...
- Huida de David
- Adan y Eva expulsados del Jardín del Edén
- Degollación de los Inocentes
- El anuncio a los pastores
- Péché originel
- Entrée à Jérusalem
- Santas Justa y Rufina
- Arcangel San Miguel
- San Lorenzo
- Escalinata del Santuario do Bom Jesus do Monte
- Escalinata del Santuario do Bom Jesus do Monte
- Nuestra Señora del Rosario con S. Domingo y S. Rosa de Lima
- Entrée à Jérusalem
- Inmaculada Concepcióm
- El martirio de San Juan de Bérgamo (detalle)
- El descanso en la huida a Egipto
- Saint Philippe Baptisant L´eunuque de la reine Candace
- Inmaculada Concepción con donante
- Moïse reçoit les Tables de la Loi de la main de Dieu
- Santa Catalina
- Arcangel Miguel
- La huida de Egipto
- Vida de Cristo
- Ocho mártires del Japón
- Santa Dorotea
- San Ciriaco y Santa Paula
- Igreja de Santa Cruz, Braga
- La virgen de la Inmaculada Concepción
- Jesus et la Samaritane
- Expulsión del Paraíso
- La Procesión del Corpus Domini en el Cuzco. Carroza de S. Cristóbal
- Procesión del Corpus Christi. Altar del Niño Jesús de Huanca
- Convento de San Francisco de Lima
- Alegoría de un querubín
- Sainte Marie Madeleine de Pazzi et Sainte Agnés
- Inmaculada
- Santa Justa y Rufina
- Santa Justa
- Les Saintes Juste et Rufine
- Santa Polonia y una Santa Carmelita
- The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin, with Two Donors
- Phases of the Moon -The Celestial Atlas, or The Armony of the Universe-
- Canons. Bible nt Evan
- Canons. Bible nt Evan
- Canons. Bible nt Evan
- Fray Diego de Jerez
- La Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen
- Santa Engracia
- La Sainte Famille
- Christ Served by the Angels
- Saint Jean-Baptiste prechant dans le desert
- La Vierge visitée par les Anges pendant la fuite en Egypte
- Entrée à Jérusalem
- Le Repos de la Sainte Famille
- Le repos pendant la fuite en Egypte
- Santa Inés
- Dama caracterizada de Santa Lucia
- Santa Apolonia
- Santa Isabel de Turingia
- Dom Joâo de Castro XIII
- Christ riding into Jerusaleum. The Miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Santa Rufina
- San Lorenzo
- Inmaculada Concepción
- Santa Lucia
- Tota Pulchra
- Santa Eulalia
- Monja jerónima mártir
- St. Catherine of Alexandria
- Santa Cecilia, San Valeriano, San Tiburzio (detalle)
- Santa Cecilia, San Valeriano, San Tiburzio
- Rest on the Flight into Egypt
- La Inmaculada Concepción
- Raising the Cross. Sts Eligius and Catherine
- The Garden of Eden
- Santa Inés
- Holy of Holies in Solomon´s Temple, from In Ezechielum Explanations
- Los siete arcángeles con sus atributos
- Rest on the Flight into Egypt , by an artist from the Netherlands
- Mártir
- Garden of Eden
- Santa Maria Egiziaca
- St. Catherine of Alexandria
- Asunción de la Inmaculada
- Admiranda beati Aurelii Augustini
- Inmaculada Concepción
- The Garden of Eden or Love
- San Esteban
- Retrato de un hombre con una palma
- Inmaculada con Dios Padre
- De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines
- De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines
- De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines
- De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines
- De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines
- De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines
- Portrait of a Lady with the Attributes of Saint Agatha
- San Jerónimo, Santa Margarita y San Francisco
- Libro de Oración de Alberto de Brandemburgo
- De vlucht naar Egypte
- Madonna and Child with St. John
- Saint Catherine of Alexandria
- Santo Domingo de Guzmán
- Visita de San Antonio a San Pablo
- Joseph Interprets His Brothers` Dreams
- Joseph Relating His Dreams to His Brothers
- St. Stephen
- Adan y Eva (detalle)
- Mariage de Frédéric III et d´Eléonore d´Aragon
- The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
- St John The Evangelist In Patmos
- S. Catherine
- Virgen de la Palma
- Holy Family with Two Donors
- Funeral of St Jerome
- San Zaccaria Altarpiece (detalle)
- St Peter Martyr with St Nicholas of Bari, St Benedict and an Angel Musician
- Predel-la de les Santes
- Santa Margarida
- Predel-la de les Santes
- Descanso en la huida de Egipto
- Flight into Egypt
- El Jardín de las Delicias (detalle)
- El Jardín de las Delicias
- La Disputa dei dottiri nei Tempio. Capella Santa Maria Maggiore, Spello
- St Agnes. Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece
- Allégorie: triomphe de la chasteté
- Apocalipsis de Durero. F. 14. Lámina 13
- The Descent of the Holy Spirit. Borgia Apartments, Hall of the Mysteries of the Faith
- Chapelle de Saint Bernardin de Sienne
- Saint Placidus
- Saint Peter Martyr and a Bishop Saint (Saint Evasio)
- Madonna and Child
- Chapel of the Bishop of Eroli: Virgen Mary and Child. Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta, Spoleto
- San Pedro Mártir
- Saint Zeno, Saint John the Baptist and a Female Martyr
- Adam et Eve chassés du Paradis
- Virgin and Child with St John the Baptist
- Saint Catherine of Alexandria
- The Last Communion of Saint Jerome
- Flight into Egypt
- Die Flucht nach Ägypten, Kupferstich
- St Barbara, St Catherine
- Death of Mary
- Assumption of the Virgin
- Moses`s Journey into Egypt
- The Adoration of the Magi
- Last Super
- Santa Lucía
- Santa Barbara
- Virgin and Child in a Landscape
- The Baptism of Christ
- St. Lucy
- Santa Catalina
- Entrée à Jérusalem
- Baptême du Christ
- The Crucifixion with Sts Jerome and Christopher
- St. Christopher
- St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Jerome
- Entrée à Jérusalem
- San Vicente diácono y mártir
- St Sebastian
- Femme & dragon
- Funérailles de la vierge
- St. Dominic Reuscitates
- Apocalipsis de la Biblioteca Estense de Módena
- Angels Worshipping
- Angels Worshipping
- Procession of the Magus Gaspar (deatil)
- Procession of the Magus Gaspar (east wall)
- Muerte de la Virgen
- Agony in the Garden (detail)
- Santa Eufemia
- Scenes from the Life of St Francis (Scene 10, north wall)
- The Annuntiation
- Virgen en el trono con el Niño y los santos Tomás de Aquino, Bernabé, Domingo y Pedro Mártir (detalle)
- The Annunciation. From the paintings for the Armadio degli Argenti
- Flight to Egypt
- La oración en el huerto de los olivos
- Ursula and the Virgins (Book of Hours). Master of Santa Marta
- Madonna with the Child, Saints and Crucifixion (San Marco Altarpiece)
- Lamento sobre Cristo Muerto. Retablo de san Marcos
- Santa Bárbara
- Deposition (Pala di Santa Trinita)
- Las Santas Mujeres en el Sepulcro (detalle del Armario de la Plata)
- Muerte de la Virgen
- Los desposorios de María (detalle)
- Juicio Universal(detalle)
- Anunciación (detail)
- Anunciación
- Retablo de Fiesole
- Noli Me tangere
- The Ghent Altarpiece Adoration of the Lamb (detail top left 1)
- The Ghent Altarpiece Adoration of the Lamb (detail top right)
- The Ghent Altarpiece Adoration of the Lamb
- Christ Glorified In The Court Of Heaven
- Saint Jean écrivant
- Dormition de la vierge
- Livre des merveilles
- Claustro de Santa María la Real de Nieva (Segovia)
- The Bishop of Assisi Handing a Palm to Saint Clare
- Annunciation
- St. Catherine of Alexandria. A Crowned Virgin Martyr
- The Virgin Enthroned Between Saints Michael and Ursula
- La Ascensión
- Altarpiece of Saint Catherine
- The Virgin and Child Enthroned Between Saints Nicholas, Dominic, Francis
- La Nativité et le Miracle du palmier et de la source
- The Flight into Egypt
- Announcement of Death to the Virgin
- Breviary of Chertsey Abbey (England)
- Breviary of Chertsey Abbey (England). Virgin Martir
- Breviary of Chertsey Abbey (England). Virgin Martir
- El cortejo nupcial de María
- Battistero di San Giovanni Battista
- Dormition de la vierge
- S. Julienne & S. Christine. Livre d`images de Madame Marie
- S. Agnès & S. Barbe. Livre d`images de Madame Marie
- Miracle du palmier. Apocryphe: liber de ortu b. mariae et infantia salvatoris
- San Lorenzo. Apocalipsis Lambeth f. 49v
- Adoration de l`agneau. Maître de Sarum
- La Fuite en Égypte
- Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte
- Palazzo Zisa
- Palazzo dei Normanni
- Palazzo dei Normanni
- Capella Palatina
- Capella Palatina
- Chapiteau de la basilique Sainte Marie Madeleine
- El Paraíso Terrenal con Adan y Eva. Díptico del cónsul Areobindo
- Fontana in the Cathedral of Monreale
- Miniature of St Maurice holding a palm
- Los bienaventurados
- Felix culpa
- Entrada de Jesús en Jerusalen (Biblia de Ripoll)
- Saint Matthieu écrivant
- Creación. Moutier-Grandval Bible. Add. 10546. f. 5v.
- L`entrata di Gesù in Gerusalemme. Codex purpureus rossanensis
- Ábside (Detalle). San Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna
- Bassilica di S. Apollinaire Nuovo
- Bassilica di S. Apollinaire Nuovo
- Bassilica di S. Apollinaire Nuovo
- Sarcófago de los seis nichos, San Apollinare in Classe
- Battistero degli Ariani
- Sarcófago de los Corderos, San Apollinare in Classe
- Sarcófago de Exuperancio y Maximiano, El Duomo
- Decoración musiva. Baptisterio Neoniano o de los Ortodoxos
- Sarcófago de Costanzo III. Mausoleo de Gala Placidia
- Licuala
- Cartagena de Indias
- Valle del Cocora
- Un chingo de palmeras
- Private Balcony, Majorca
- The Card Table, Sicily
- Market Stalls, Marrakech
- Market Day Close of Play, Marrakech
- Giant Eagle
- 18 Festival BD Solliès-Ville
- Amanecer
- Shared Washing Line, Havana
- Beached boats, Bay of Naples
- Cannes Polar Festival
- Proposiciones para un sueño y una vivienda
- Amanecer
- Panorama Viñales
- Secretos del Valle
- Valle tormentoso
- Juncos
- Pelican
- 7e Festival International du Roman Noir
- Tre Albergi, Rome
- View from Window, Plazza Dante
- Albergo and still life, Rome (detail)
- Sin título
- Paseo de Cadiz
- Living room
- Eve´s peech
- Hotel Montesol, Ibiza
- Marbella
- Muslisms around the Mosque
- Egyptian room
- Sevilla y el río
- Promenade des Anglais in Nice
- Railway station in Nice
- Two musicians at the Sultan`s Palace, Tangier
- Bañista en la playa
- Moonlit Magic
- Torre de Beniganín
- Carnets de voyages
- 4eme animation BD
- Remiendos azules
- The price of paradise
- Prohibido el paso
- Pink Villa
- Siesta Gegina
- Bringing out the Ouzo
- FESTIVAL BD DE BLOIS. Exposition du 28 au 30 novembre 1997
- Man and Landscape
- Ellas saben que nada te hiere
- Jerusalem
- The Date Palm. A Friend and Companion of Man
- Car lot
- Las tres estrellas
- Jardín de lugares
- Hombre comiendo dátiles
- Hombre comiendo dátiles
- River bank and four rocks
- Altar
- Diorama 34 - The Revolution Against Spain Begins, Manila, …
- Landscape in Bali
- Estadio Castalia
- Gloria
- Gloria
- Negro
- Boceto para azulejos
- Boceto para azulejos
- Two Men
- Biotherm
- La Visita
- Sin título
- Oficinas de Lizarriturri
- Figura corriendo delante de cocodrilo
- Agua en el desierto, el Nilo
- Calle de la Habana
- Plaza de la Catedral de la Habana
- Caserío
- Cortijo
- Parrot Fish and palm tree
- Hyères (Var) Municipal Gardens
- Malaga
- Tarde de Verano
- Paisajes urbanos
- Peñiscola Deporte y Turismo
- Original drawings for constrution sure hoarding
- Mediterrani
- Jardín
- Egyptian Lanscape
- Palm Cockatoo
- Seventeen parrots
- Chinaman`s Beach
- Una visita con Christopher y Don, Santa Monica Canyon
- Yellow bird
- Plaza Real
- Jardí
- Nudo con palma
- Merengue en Boca Chica
- Little Santa Monica
- Santa Monica
- Pabellón árabe de Sevilla
- Valle de Aría
- Huerto de Alhama
- Casa de Mazarrón
- Bicicleta
- El Puerto
- El Cairo
- Dr. Marin`s Garden
- Paisaje de país
- Tahiti of the night
- Skaters-Venice. Los Angeles Bicentennial 1781-1981
- Sin título
- Nichols Canyon
- Mermaid
- Shangri La
- Flying over palm trees
- Face
- Kahala Hilton
- Paisaje murciano
- Paisaje de Murcia
- Casas en la huerta
- Oasis
- La puerta de Jerez por feria
- La puerta de Jerez neo-moderna
- La puerta de Jerez moderna
- Apunte rápido y fresco de la puerta de Jerez
- Palmera
- Postcard from God
- Saul Steinberg a la sombre de las Pirámides
- Palmeras
- Casa de campo
- Mist
- Sin título
- Frank Lloyd con su familia en Paradise Island
- Le Grand Voyage
- Mohabibo-Majunga-Madagascar
- Returning from the Sea
- Paisaje
- Sur la terrasse
- Reisebilder Italien Südsee
- Les palmiers à Sorrente
- Paisaje de Crevillente
- Vista de Crevillente
- Paseo de las muñecas. Casino de Monóvar
- A Bigger Splash
- Una gran salpicadura
- A Lawn Being Sprinkled
- Portrait of Nick Wilder
- La Fille du désert, Tableau à gèométrie variable
- Title Unknown
- Jungle Boy
- Un patio de las rejas de Don Gome
- The Marriage
- Jardí romàntic
- Paisaje en Mougins
- Aloha
- Bodegón con palma
- El Casino. Montecarlo
- Barcelona, Plaça Urquinaona
- La Baie de Cannes
- Paisatge
- Paisaje n. 56
- Mosque in Kuala Lumpur
- Las palomas
- Les colombes
- Les colombes
- Catedral vegetal
- Masia Cabanyes
- Backdrop for the Moor`s Room, Scene 3
- Malayan sunset
- The Hammock
- Valle del Almanzora
- Mujer desnuda delante del jardín
- Femme dans l`atelier
- L` atelier de La Californie
- Mujer desnuda en la mecedora
- Mujer en el taller
- L`Atelier
- La Californie - Interior con ventana
- Artist Studio
- Artist Studio
- Sahara 10
- Planetoide Tetraédrico
- Vilarejo com ponte e mamoeiro
- A Feira III
- El puerto de Argel con bruma
- Le transformateur
- Paisaje mediterraneo
- Casa del Risco
- Barcelona. Plaça Universitat
- Le Repos au bord de la rivière
- Paysage
- Four Chicks Under a Palm Tree
- Three Chicks Under a Palm Tree
- Two Chicks Under a Palm Tree
- Paysage arabe
- Bungalow de Tatin à Melcafe (ile Vate)
- Doble Planetoide
- Interior with Egyptian Curtain
- Arabe entre palmeras
- High and low
- Nature morte aux grenades
- Street in Scanno, Abruzzi
- La palmera. Tossa de Mar
- Palm Tree
- Carmo Covent, Santos
- Fazenda com sete porquinhos
- Sitges, Barques i palmeres
- Harbor by Bandol (Gray) and Palms
- Tornade aux rochers rouges à Conakry
- Homme au masque, femme et enfant
- Southern Gardens
- House in the Lava near Nunziata
- Calvi Visto Desde La Ciudadela (Córcega)
- Palm
- Emblemata Arbol Palmera
- Ilustracion para el libro Paradisís
- Elche
- Paisagem com ponte
- Hivernage
- Paisagem com bicho antropofagico III, c
- The Casino of Nice
- Palm tree
- Barcking dog under a palm tree
- Palm tree and roosters
- Pelea de gallos
- O Sono, c
- O lago
- Distância
- Cartão Postal
- Paysage
- Trois Algériennes
- Selva tropical
- Place du Gouvernement, Algiers
- Casino of Nice
- Niza, el casino de la escollera
- La palma
- The Sixth Day of Creation
- Noord-Sumatra
- Vendedor de frutas
- Pescador, c
- Palmeiras
- A Feira II
- Meeting Street
- Ouro Petro I
- Palm tree and bird
- Palm tree and sparrows
- São Paulo (Gazo)
- São Paulo
- Morro da favela
- E. F. C. B.
- Le Palmier au Cannet
- Interior with a Violin
- Nude Painting
- Nude Painting
- Not identified Portrait
- Woman holding umbrella
- Woman by a Window
- Woman with Umbrella
- Woman on a Sofa
- Not identified Landscape
- Not identified Marina
- Pascal`s Pensees
- Eastern landscape
- Bañistas
- Palm Tree
- Palm Tree sketch
- The Cote d`Azur
- Young Woman Playing Violin
- Intérieur à Nice, la sieste
- Femme à la mandoline
- Marsella, marinero y chica
- Seated Woman, Back Turned to the Open Window
- Flowers in front of a Window
- Boudoir
- Der Dampfer fährt am botanischen Garten
- El jardín, Banyuls
- Young Woman at the Window, Sunset
- Young Girl in a Green Dress
- River Scene on the Banks of the Tigris
- El torreón. Mallorca
- Paysage de Juan les Pins
- Der Weg von Unkaich nach China
- Palm Grove Shadows
- Temple Gardens
- Southern (Tunisian) Gardens
- Not identified Portrait
- The Painting Lesson
- The Artist and his model
- The Palm Trees
- Tempete a Nice
- The Bay of Nice
- L´instant
- Casa con palmera
- The Vegetable Garden with Donkey
- Jardín con surtidor
- El palmeral-Elche
- Palmettos, Florida
- Blackamoor´s Chamber. Fragment. Set Design
- Palmettos
- Jardín de Málaga
- La Reforma
- Palmeras de Elche
- Palms
- Chogealls Palau
- La Primavera
- El paseo. Plaza de Cataluña
- El Paseo por la Plaza de Cataluña
- Windows and palm trees
- Helles House
- Garden on Lake Thun, Pomegranate Tree and Palm in the Garden
- View Towards the Port of Hammamet
- Tunisian Landscape
- Paisaje con vacas y camello
- La Jeune fille et le vase de fleurs ou le nu rose
- Jardín de finca de la Concepción en Málaga
- Jardín de Málaga `La Concepción`
- Jardín de Málaga La Concepción
- Jardín
- Camino entre palmeras
- Palmeras de la Concepción
- In the zoological garden
- In the Temple Hall
- Las hermanas Ribas
- Morning in the Oasis of Alkantra
- Design for the Opera Non Giovani
- Garden on lake Thun
- Cassis
- Jardín público en Hyères
- Fountain in Avignon
- Palm Leaf, Tangier
- Egyptian night
- Fellah village
- Fellah village
- Fellah village
- Street in Cairo
- Walking woman
- Date palm
- Bedouin with a camel
- Landscape with lion
- Beach in Fortaleza
- Palm Trees at Martigues. Homage to Gaugin
- Spanish landscape. Palm
- Patio del rey D. Pedro, Alcázar de Sevilla
- Horse Attacked by a Jaguar
- Heat. Running Dog
- Horta de Ebro, la fábrica
- Malaga Garden
- The Landscape. Coast of France
- El Alcazar de Sevilla
- Twilight in Samoa
- Street in Village near Biskra
- Samoa
- Dos mujeres con mantón
- Dos mujeres con mantilla
- Desnudos en un paisaje
- Cocoanut palms, Falmouth
- A Liberian Homestead
- Mujeres con mantón
- Bathers- Two Nudes in an Exotic Landscape
- La pequeña palmera
- Place des Lices, St. Tropez
- The Turkey Buzzard
- In the Jungle, Florida
- Homosassa jungle, Florida
- The Palm Tree
- Bord de mer avecs palmiers à Conakry
- Courtyard with fountain
- Attaque d`un village par les esclavagistes
- Paysage
- Trees in blossom
- Exposition Universelle de Paris 1900. Indes Anglaises
- Exposition Universelle de Paris 1900. Tunisie
- Exposition Universelle de Paris 1900. Perse
- Exposition Universelle de Paris 1900. Algerie
- Campement sur un banc de sable fleuve Bénoué. Nigeria
- Récolte des dattes à Touggourt
- Oued à Bou-Saâda
- Nezla à Touggourt (Algérie)
- Cavaliers arabes passant une rivière à guè
- Vista de Elche y de sus palmares
- Himavant
- Marchands de tapis sur les bords du Nil
- Paysage d`Orient
- Raga Hindola with Ragini Telangi
- View of Cagnes
- Paisaje
- Landscape at the Rio das Pedras
- Landscape
- Negro cabins and palms
- A building and an oasis
- Hurricane, Bahamas
- Field artillery in action
- Palm tree, Nassau
- Rave te hiti aamu (Idol)
- Tahitian Landscape
- Thatched hut under palms (illustration from Noa No)
- No te aha oe riri (Why are You Angry)
- Paysage d`Orient
- Up to Date
- Uma rua em Inhambane
- Fabrication de l`huile de Palme
- Nave Nave Moe
- Konakry. Le Gouvernement en 1893
- View taken at Ujiji
- Tropical Landscape
- Tropical Landscape with Fishing Boats in Bay
- Florida Scene
- Bahamian View
- The Landing of Columbus
- Marché oriental
- Leitura
- Landscape with three trees
- Tahitian Landscape
- Women at the river
- Matamoe`, `Muerte. Paisaje con pavos reales`
- Tahitian women under the palms
- The Seed of the Areoi -Te aa no areois-
- Mahana maa I
- Mahana Maa (Landscape in Tahiti)
- Mata Mua
- Fatata te Moua (At the Foot of the Mountain)
- Haere Mai
- La Orana Maria
- Strasse on Tahiti
- The little valley
- The Black Pigs
- Adam and Eve or Paradise Lost
- Die bai von Kamerun
- Timbuktu
- Die station Bangala am mittleren Congo
- Playa de Valencia
- The Concert Singer
- Marius Cazeneuve s`introduisant dans la cité interdite
- Exposition Universelle, Paris 1889. Arabie (Histoire de l`Habitation humaine)
- Exposition Universelle, Paris 1889. Palais de l´Algerie
- Grande rue de N`Dar Tout
- Chasse à l`hippopotame
- La chasse aux lions
- Palm trees -Bahamas-
- Meadow in Martinique
- Palm trees on Martinique
- Study for Passage of Humaitá
- On the way to market, Bahamas
- Palm tree at Bordighera
- Palm Trees at Bordighera
- Villas at Bordighera
- Garden in Bordighera, Impression of Morning
- Villas at Bordighera
- The Valley of Sasso
- The Valley of Sasso
- The Valley of Sasso
- The Moreno Garden at Bordighera
- Strada Romada in Bordighera
- Small Country Farm in Bordighera
- Ewer
- Two-leafed gate from Casa Vicens Around
- Studio Interior
- The Test Garden in Algiers
- Field of Banana Trees
- The Garden of Essai in Algiers
- A spring in Wâdy Feirân. Picturesque Palestine
- Haifa, at the foot of Mount Carmel
- A village threshing floor. Picturesque Palestine
- St. Saba`s palm-tree. Picturesque Palestine
- Wâdy T`lâh, Mount Sinai, Picturesque Palestine
- Wâdy Feirân, Mount Sinai, Picturesque palestine
- In a Cairo garden, Picturesque Palestine
- Mt. Serbál from Wády Feirán
- Pyramids of Gizeh
- El Hombre Enamorado y La Mujer Sensual
- India Dorada. Kamam Sutra
- Placeres privados del rajá Dalpat Singh. Lakroo. Rajasthan
- Kamasutra. Ananga-Ranga. El Jardín Perfumado.
- The Art of the Kamasutra
- Kamasutra. Ananga-Ranga. El Jardín Perfumado.
- Kama Sutra
- Kama Sutra
- Kama Sutra
- The Art of Kamasutra
- The Art of Kamasutra
- The Art of Kamasutra
- Femme indigène, kivu
- Danse d`une sorcière ou femme-médecin de la région d`Usumbura
- Crossing the River Benangan
- Algiers, the Garden of Essai
- Race to the market, Tahiti
- Scène de vie à Madagascar
- A View in the Bahamas
- Eastern Scene. Coutryard in Algiers
- Une terrasse au bord du Nil
- Exposition Universelle de Paris. Algerie
- Exposition Universelle de Paris. Tunisie
- Missionary preaching to West Indians among palm trees
- Republique Argentine
- Boulac, near Cairo, from the Town Wall
- La Ilustración Española y Americana nº XXXVI. Septiembre
- A buccanner
- Tropical Landscape
- Tollygunge, Calcutta
- Scène dans un jardin
- Combat de coqs
- An Egyptian Fellah Woman with her Baby
- Jerusalem pilgrims
- Woman with a parrot, Henriette Darras
- Negadeh, 1. 45 pm, 17 January
- A Nice, Notes et Croquis
- Elephants with palm tree. Libro di conti Commercial arithmetic
- Paisaje, Recuerdo del Brasil
- Running Aground in the Hawaiian Islands, from Voyage Autour du Monde
- Rainy Season in the Tropics
- Recollection of Asia Minor
- Chimborazo
- Saquarah
- Saqîeh
- Insel Philae
- Paisaje de Elche
- Mujeres en el pozo
- La legature delle palme
- El Palmeral de Elche, en las proximidades de Alcoy
- Campesinos de los alrededores de Carcagente
- Chapultpec Castle
- Campesino de Alcoy
- Embroidery -Contraband
- Urdu, El - Ordeh - Neu Donqolah, Den 28 sten Maerz
- Paysage égyptien , village avec mosquée et cimetière
- Crepuscule sur les bords du Nil a Damanhour
- Indian scenes and characters. Beach scene
- Indian scenes and characters. House and gardens, Bombay
- Philae from across the Nile
- Cayambe
- Cayambe
- Valle de la Magdelena en Cuba
- Ingenio San Rafael
- Ingenio Monserrate
- Ingenio Intrépido
- Ingenio Güinia
- Ingenio El Narciso
- Ingenio Buena-Vista
- Ingenio Acana
- Las Malangas
- View of Cotopaxi
- Le Nil
- South American Landscape
- Tropical Landscape
- The Andes of Ecuador
- The Cordilleras, Sunrise
- La Magdalena aka Scene on the Magdalena
- Tamaca Palms
- Audience to the Perry`s officers, by the Queen of Ambrizette
- The Human sacrifices of the Ek-Gnee-Noo-Ah-Toh
- Scene on the Magdalena
- Utaz`as Kelet- Indi`akon, Ceylon. A man hiding behind bushes about to shoot a crocodile
- The early repast
- The Tribal Tents
- The Vale of Calatafimi and Temple of Segesta, Sicily
- Recolte du café
- Viagem pitoresca ao Brasil
- View of Bombay showing the Fort
- Theben. Memnonia : Ansicht des Tempels Sethos I bei Qurnah
- Ansicht von Philae
- Ansicht der Ruinen von Memphis
- Vue generale du Maroc
- Mosquee a Maroc
- The Island of Philæ on the Nile by sunset, Nubia
- Bataille de Staoueli
- The hypaethral temple at Philae, called the Bed of the Pharoah
- Abyssinian slaves
- Utiroa
- Tombs at Muthuata I, Feejee
- Scene at Oatafu Island
- Mosque in the town of Sooloo
- Forest, Illiwarra, NSW
- Cocoanut grove at Fakaafo or Bowditch I
- Club dance, Feejee
- City of Manilla
- Broom Road, Tahiti
- Dutch Possessions in South America and the West Indies
- Rio de Janeiro
- The Vale of Calatafimi and Temple of Segesta, Sicily
- Whampoa, from Dane`s Island
- Marriage Contract
- The rescue of William D`Oyly
- Wooden box, detail
- Cocotier barrigudo, Ventrû
- Een bosnegervrouw omhangen met klokjes en bellen en een spion met zijn fluit. Voyage à Surinam
- Stoet indianen onder leiding van hun dorpshoofd. Voyage à Surinam
- Melkvrouw en melkverkoopsters. Voyage à Surinam
- Een delegatie bosnegers. Voyage à Surinam
- Drie verkoopsters van toiletartikelen of wederverkoopsters; een creoolse, een neger-creoolse en een kaboegroe (gemengdbloedig). Voyage à Surinam
- Creoolse en negerkleding Voyage à Surinam
- Vlinderjacht. Voyage à Surinam
- Een weggelopen neger. Voyage à Surinam
- Vampire. Voyage à Surinam
- Een kano van de marrons. Voyage à Surinam
- Een pont of platte boot voor het vervoer van producten. Voyage à Surinam
- Negerhutten. Voyage à Surinam
- Een indiaanse hut. Voyage à Surinam
- Een combé of buitenplaats. Voyage à Surinam
- Een brug bewaakt door een bosneger. Voyage à Surinam
- Dorp op een heuvel op Jodensavanne. Voyage à Surinam
- Een negerwoning. Voyage à Surinam
- Een negerwoning. Voyage à Surinam
- Een plantershuis. Voyage à Surinam
- Gezicht op de stad Paramaribo. Voyage à Surinam
- Gezicht op de paradeplaats of het Plein met het Fort Zeelandia, het paleis van de Gouverneur en het Hof van Justitie. Voyage à Surinam
- Travelling in Cuba : crossing the Hibar [Men crossing river at night on horse and by foot]
- Captn Wheeler towing a Spanish Bloodhound ; A Spanish Farmer
- Temple Island Philae
- The Landing of Columbus
- Etzbe villagio nel deserto abitato dagli Abudi; Costume e case degli Abudi
- Aldea de Cabocles à Canta-Gallo
- Forêt vierge
- Marchand de sambouras [left]. Vendeur de palmito [right]
- Embarquement des troupes à Prahia-Grande, pour l`expédition contre Monte-Video
- West India Scenery. Cutting canes
- West India Scenery. Pitch-Lake Palm
- West India Scenery
- West India Scenery. The Groo Groo Tree
- West India Scenery. Sunday morning in the country
- Pulau Jerejak
- Relation des trois expéditions du capitaine Dupaix: 1re Expédition, Planche III
- The country of the Iguanodon
- A view of the artist`s house and garden , in Mills Plains, Van Diemen`s Land
- Pompeian bath post
- Robert Hay`s Egyptian Collections. Temple of Isis at Philae
- Village of Cayon surrounded by Palm trees
- Raising water from the Indus
- Vue d`un Hangar abrotamt la pirogue de querre du chef Palou (Tonga-Tabou)
- Village de Manévai (Vanikoro)
- Le chef Palou recevant les officiers de l` etat-mayor de l` Astrolabe (Tonga Tabou)
- Établissement des travailleurs de l`Astrolabe au Hâvre Cartret (Nouvelle Irlande)
- Rouma-Tiga. Residence de M. Martens (Amboine)
- Sources chaudes de passo prés du lac de Tondanno. (Ile Célébes)
- Vue prise a tondano de la maison du resident hollandais (Ile Célebes)
- Vue du lac de tondano (Ile Célèbes)
- Consugtation a l` esprit pour un enfant malade (Tonga Tabou)
- Ancienne maison de campagne de Koro-Koro prés kahou wéra (Nouvella Zelande)
- Incendie des Cabanes du chef Tahofa sur l`île Onéata (Tonga-Tabou)
- Maison de l`agent hollandais á Condano (Iles Celèbes)
- Églis a umata dans l` Ile de Guam (Mariannes)
- Vue de la baie d`umata (Ile de Guam)
- Aiguade de la Playa
- Maison de la Tamaha, au village de Moua (Tonga-Tabou)
- Vue prise sur l`ile Masmapi, au Hâvre Dorey (Nelle Guinée)
- In the Palm House in Potsdam
- Polynésie française. Habitants de l`Ile de Noukahiva dans l`Archipel des Marquises. Noukhaiwiens. 1832. Musée de l´Home, Paris.
- Indonésie. Village Malais. Nepveu.1832. Musée de l´Home, Paris.
- Indonésie. Habitants deJava. Nepveu. 1832. Musée de l´Home, Paris.
- Indonésie. Habitants de l`Ile d`Amboine. Guerriers d`Amboine. Musicien d`Amboine. Nepveu
- Indonésie. Cabane et bananiers dans l`Ile de Cracatou. Nepveu
- Friedrich Wilhelm III`s Palm Court
- People of Mannicolo, from Peter Dillons`s Voyage aux Iles de la Mer du Sud
- Arabes Toraht, Bédouins de la presqu`île de Sinaï
- Vue de Tor, prise du sud (presqu`isle de Sinaï)
- Vue de la forteresse de l`Accaba [Aqabah]
- El Bourg, couvent prè de Tor, (Mer Rouge)
- View of Salsoor
- Le palmier
- Two Kerala Brahmins
- Episode du siege de Saragosse. Assaut de Santa Engracia 8 Fevrierm1809
- Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
- The Garden of Eden
- Landscape Composition, Saint John in the Wilderness
- La Véritable Gloire s`appuie sur la Vertu
- A view of Calcutta from a point.
- Capo de Botocudos
- Botafogo bay Rio de Janerio
- Ten Views in the Island of Antigua. The Mill Yard
- Menphis. Vue des ruines, prise du ssud-est
- Combat Inde
- View of the Corcovado
- Vue générale du grand temple d`el Khargeh (el-Kharga) et des environs
- Graves of the Sereres
- Temple of the Talbes or Marabouts
- Vue de la façade du grand temple d`el Khargeh (el-Kharga)
- A Negro ascending a Palm Tree for its Wine
- A Talbe, or Moorish Priest in his ordinary Dress
- View of the Royal Morai in the Bay of Ti-utatoo
- View of the Chinese Mills
- Madjnûn et Laylâ
- Exterior view of the two temples at Ybsambul (Abu Sunbul)
- Exterior view of the two temples at Ybsambul
- Chinese pattern
- The Life of Buddha. The King pays his respects
- Opera set. The Sphinx and River Nile
- Indiens de Mechoacan
- View of Thebes
- The Selling of Joseph
- The Painted Mosque
- Malta, from the Coradino
- Illustrations de Les Hindous.Sounyâcy ou 6faqyr hindou
- Illustrations de Les Hindous.Soulys ou hindou récoltantle todys
- Illustrations de Les Hindous
- Illustrations de Les Hindous.Gouallahs ou vacher hindou
- Illustrations de Les Hindous.Gahpellys ou cordiers hindous
- Illustrations de Les Hindous. Dobys ou blanchisseurs hindous
- Illustrations de Les Hindous. Cocotiers et autres palmiers de l`Hindoustan
- Vue d`une Mosque Ruinée dans l`Ile de Roudah
- Vue du palmier de la Thebaïde appellé Doum
- Betel Tree, Monoecia monadelphia
- Arabian Camel, Camelus Dromedarius
- Cocoanut Tree, Cocos nucifera
- Date Tree, Dioecia triandria
- Fan-leaved Palm, Dioecia hexandria
- Battaglia delle Piramidi
- The Archangel Raphael with Adam and Eve -Illustration to Milton`s Paradise Lost
- Bataille des Pyramydes 21 Juillet 1798
- Bataille des Pyramydes 21 Juillet 1798
- The blue Egyptian water-lily
- Histoire Naturelle des Perroquets
- Cape Comorin near Calcad
- Lavagem do ouro no Itacolomi
- Arab council
- An eed-Gah near Chaynpore
- A Malaye village
- Male pointing to male on tree picking fruit. Female with a baby on her back and holding a child with a bowl of fruit o …
- A Free Negro Causing his Slave to ascend a Palm tree, to procure him a Calabash of Palm Wine
- Five males in a Forrest area, Four males in background looking away, one male in foreground pointing down at something
- La caza del avestruz
- The Dala`il al-Khayrat of al-Juzuli
- Scène de Fête. Mohammed Ben Ali Rbati
- Arrival of the Prophet in Medina
- Front panel of a carved wooden chest
- Shri Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies)
- Muttalin y Abd alMuttalib llegan a la Meca
- El profeta como conductor de las caravanas de Jadicha y Jadicha
- Pagoda, Calcutta
- Adahoonzou cuts off 127 heads to complete the ornament of his wall
- Cupid Inspiring the Plants with Love
- Fort St. George, Madras
- Voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse. Vue de l`Ile de Bourou, prise de la rade
- Voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse. Sauvages du Cap de Diémen préparant leur repas
- Bombay Views. Looking out over Bombay Harbour towards Cross Island
- 1. Negresse esclave, 2. Signare de L`Isle St. Louis, 3. Marabou ou Prelre du Pays, 4. Negre arme en Guerre
- The Chalees Satoon in the Fort of Allahabad on the River Jumna
- A ceremony in Dahomy
- Irrigation. A colonial garden
- Nègre libre faisant monter son esclave en haut d`un palmier pour en détacher une callebasse plein
- Nègres grimpant sur les arbres
- Enlèvement du soulier de Rodope
- Village de Sumatra. Maison sur pillotis de Sumatra
- Village de Sumatra. Maison sur pillotis de Sumatra.
- The reception of Captain Cook, in Hapaee
- An offering before Capt. Cook, in the Sandwich Islands
- An inland view; in Atooi
- A view at Anamooka
- A night dance by women, in Hapaee
- A human sacrifice, in a morai, in Otaheite
- A young woman of Otaheite, bringing a present
- A dance in Otaheite
- Manière de battre le ris, et de quelle façon les femmes portent l`eau en Égypte
- Sra Principal con su esclava negra, Quito
- A native hut, Krakatoa
- A human sacrifice at Tahiti
- Nude youth holding palm branch, partially nude woman holding wreath
- Fig. 1. Scheck Ghadder, à la gauche, sur le bord du Nil, quand on entre; Fig. 2. Carullo de Meresel; Fig. 3. Mosquée
- Hanukkah lamp adorned with emblem of the Foa family
- Ornamental Design from Nouvelle suite de cahiers chinois
- The Festival of Gangaur
- The landing at Tanna, one of the New Hebrides
- The landing at Middleburgh, one of the Friendly Isles
- The landing at Erramanga, one of the New Hebrides
- Afia-Too-Ca, a burying place in the isle of Amsterdam
- A view in the island of Rotterdam
- A toupapow with a corpse on it
- Captain Samuel Wallis`s party with Tahitians in front of long house
- A view of the island of Ulietea, with a double canoe and a boathouse
- A view in the island of Otaheite
- La Pesca del Cocodrilo
- View of Island of Otaheite (Tahiti)
- Cuaderno Italiano, apunte
- Longhouse and canoes in Tahiti. Chief Mourner
- Cowherd Krishna and surprised Radha
- The city of Nan-kin
- Strolling beggars in China; Who practice austerities to extort alms, striking their heads against a stone or one another...
- Io-si-wo, between Tyen-tsing-wey & Pe-king
- Chinese sepulchres; Chinese husbandmen
- Wild asses at the Cape, and wild goat
- Priests or monks of Fo
- A Chinese funeral
- Northern Tartary woman at Lassa
- Habit of one of the Kings of Congo; Don Daniel de Silva, Count of Songo
- Bridge in the Quoja`s country
- The Commodore at Juan Fernandez
- The Chinese Wedding
- Le Bailli de Suffren, Amiral de France
- Grabado simbólico del galenismo. Clave Médico-Chyrurgica Universal
- Régime de dattes
- Kickvorschen
- Nauwkeurige Beschryvinge Van Zuriname
- Plantation in Surinam
- Natives of the Isthmus of America. From Voyage de Guillaume Dampier aux Terres Australes, à la Nouvelle Hollande
- Vasanta Ragini, Second Wife of Dipak Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies)
- Cocotier
- Date farming in Persia
- The Prince’s Journey
- The Astronomers from The Story of the Emperor of China Series – Tapestry
- Conquista de México
- Retrato de Sofía
- L`Eléphant ou Le Cheval isabelle. Tenture des Indes
- Muhammad devant le nilomètre
- La dédicace au Roi-Soleil: Détail du globe terrestre
- Plaque with chinoiserie
- America
- Africa
- Scenes from the life of Isaac
- The private pleasure of Prince Muhammad Agar
- The private pleasure of Raja Bhar Mal
- Brave reception of a King in Hispaniola
- Harts and Stags
- Habit of a Floridan King-
- Guarapucu, Piracarba and Flying fishes
- Fortress of the Serpents
- Trees and animals of Tabago
- Trees and animals of Porto Rico
- Kiam cervis muscutes. China Illustrata
- Clematis five vitis alba nostras. China Illustrata
- Clematis five viFicus indica, arbor paradisi. China Illustrata
- Arbor papaya. China Illustrata
- Lacus Chin. China Illustrata
- De certis quibusdam volucribus extrà Chinam invisis. China Illustrata
- Rheubarum matthioli. China Illustrata
- Rheubarbarum verum. China Illustrata
- Forma lapidis. China Illustrata
- Arbor polomie. China Illustrata
- Pyrophy lacum. China Illustrata
- Ananas fructus. China Illustrata
- Vera Tigridis Forma. China Illustrata
- Turtles. China Illustrata
- 6 Landscape in Brazil
- Gezicht op Olinda, Brazilië View of Olinda, Brazil
- The Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian and The Franciscan Monastery
- The building of Canoes
- Lovers Embracing, Folio from an Erotic Manuscript. India, Madhya Pradesh
- Arco de Triunfo para la entrada en Paris de Maria Teresa, hija de Felipe IV, casada con Luis XIV
- Victoire accrochant des couronnes à un palmier
- A Gypsy Encampment
- Praudha Dhiradhira Nayika, from an illustrated Rasikapriya of Keshavadas
- Futuh al-Haramayn
- El castillo de Batavia, visto desde Kali Besar occidental
- Scenes from the Childhood Krishna, from a Sur Sagar Manuscript
- Brazilian Landscape with a Worker’s House
- Braziliaans dorp Brazilian village
- Het huis van een Hollandse kolonist in Brazilië
- Ravana ravishes Rambha. Ramayana, Uttara Kanda
- Ravana and Bali form an alliance
- Hanuman brought before Ravana
- Trinabindu`s daughter marries. Ramayana, Uttara Kanda
- The hermitage of Valmiki. Ramayana, Uttara Kanda
- The exiles visit the hermit. Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda
- Ramayana. Kishkindha Kanda. Arrival in Kiskindha
- Ramayana. The monkeys in Sugriva`s grove
- Ramayana. Rama anoints Bibishana
- Ramayana. Hanuman in the Ashoka grove
- Ramayana. Hanuman brought before Ravana
- Armoiries d`un abbé mitré
- Une habitation de planteurs pres de la riviere Paraiba au Brésil
- Maison d´un noble portugais au Brésil
- Le Village de Serinhaem au Brésil
- Todi Ragini, Second Wife of Hindol Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies)
- Historia naturalis Brasiliae
- Demonstraçao da fortaleza de Sibó
- Demonstraçao da fortaleza de Coriate
- William Feilding, 1st Earl of Denbigh
- Paradisi in Sole, Paradisus Terrestris
- Proteus ofte minne-beelden verandert in sinnebeelden
- An Ascetic and a Woman Plucking a Thorn from her Foot, Folio from a Sukra Rambha Samvada (Story of Sukra and Rambha)
- Recibimiento de los indios a los religiosos, Grandes viajes
- Hortus Eystettensis
- Florilegium, novum hoc est
- Malashri Ragini, Third Wife of Bhairava Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies)
- Description et recit historial du riche royaume d`or de Gunea. Two Europeans meeting a native King in his hut
- Retrato del Duque de Lerma
- La Ka`ba, lieu du pèlerinage. [Description versifiée des lieux saints de la Mekke et de Médine ainsi que des rites de pèlerinage] [La Mecque (?)],
- A miniature painting of the Sinbadnama. Abduction of the princess
- An Old Sufi Laments His Lost Youth. La`l –Lal-
- Afrika
- The camel-driver in Mecca
- Gauri Ragini, First Wife of Malkos Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies)
- Natives collecting coconuts
- Suzanne et les vieillards
- The Choice of Hercules
- Miniature from Siyer-i Nebi
- Vierge à l`Enfant Dans Naysâbûrî, Qesas al-anbiyâ (Histoires des prophètes)
- Mohammed and his wife Aisha freeing the daughter of a tribal chief. From the Siyer-i Nebi
- The Archangel Gabriel appearing to Mohammed, on Mount al-Noor. - The Archangel Gabriel giving the Coran to Mohammed. Illustrated edition of the Siyer-i Nebi
- Americae
- Americae
- An illustration of Vaqi `at-i Baburi. Date palms
- A palm and an oyster tree
- Matali´al-sa´adet
- Jadicha ve al joven Mahoma cuando regresa del primer viaje. Miniatura de la Historia de Ishak de Nishapur
- David et Bethsabée
- Arrivée de Mahomet à La Mecque
- Layla Vistits Majnun in the Palm Grove, Page from a Khamsa of Nizami
- Layla Standing in the Palm Grove, Page from a Manuscript of the Khamsa (Layla and Majnun) of Nizami
- Prince et eremite
- Mapa del Oceano Atlántico (detalle)
- Le Tre Grazie
- Roundel painted with the Three Graces
- El Juicio de Paris
- Iznik Flask
- The Reception of the Venetian Ambassadors in Damascus
- Mohammed riding Buraq up to Paradise. Illustration from the Khamsa of Elyas Nezami
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
- Reverse side of the portrait of Ginevra de Benci
- Decameron. Detail of satyr in border
- Portrait of a Lady in Yellow
- Allégorie: Arbre de la tempérance
- Ilustración del Jamsa de Nizami. Madjnum y Layla en el palmar
- El triunfo de la muerte
- Livre des simples médecines
- Récolte des dattes mûres. Tacuinum sanitatis. Ibn butlân, taqwim es siha
- Récolte des dattes mûrissantes. Tacuinum sanitatis. Ibn butlân, taqwim es siha
- Dattier. Ibn butlân, taqwim es siha. Tacuinum sanitatis
- Dattier. Ibn butlân, taqwim es siha. Tacuinum sanitatis
- Dattier. Ibn butlân, taqwim es siha. Tacuinum sanitatis
- Dátiles. Theatrum Sanitatis
- Theatrum sanitatis
- Dátiles silvestres. Theatrum Sanitatis
- Dattier. Umarî (al-), masâlik al-absâr
- Cocotier. Umarî (al-), masâlik al-absâr
- A Mystical River
- Medina con la tumba del Profeta y los lugares donde habitó
- Fable: Le cobra et les grenouilles
- Canon Table Page
- Bote d`al-Mughira
- Vase au palmier
- Qasr Libya, Byzantine Mosaics dating back to the reign of the Emperor Justinian
- Reign of the Emperor Justinian
- A relief of a date palm. Synagogue at Kfar Nahum (Capernaum)
- Mosaïque de Theodoulos provenant d´une maison byzantine
- Coupe à l`aurige vainqueur
- Roman Villa del Casale at Piazza Armerina
- Burial Plaque
- Lampe
- Roman Villa del Casale at Piazza Armerina
- Horses mosaic
- Cortège triomphal de Dionysos
- Diomedes et Aicides
- Auriga holding the symbols of victory
- Table de prix. Bou Argoub
- La victoire dÁthéna sur Poseïdon
- 4 Petit pot a deux anses. El Aouja
- Vase fermé. El Aouja
- Mosaico
- Stele votive de Manghraoua
- Ritratto di Alessandro Severo con corpo ideale tipo Diomede Cuma-Monaco
- Relief représentant Apollon et Artémis
- Lamp
- Lamp
- Lamp
- Escena de culto a Isis en Herculano
- Mostruo, Decoration of chest
- Beschilderde drinkbeker
- Terracotta lamp with a caricatured scene, Roman
- Sandstone tombstone of Marcus Cocceius Nonnus
- Terracotta lamp
- Terracotta lamp
- Barco Mercante
- Lotta di galli tra le personificazioni della Vittoria e della Sconfitta
- Casa del Bracciale d´Oro
- Casa del Bracciale d´Oro
- Casa del Bracciale d´Oro
- Pintura de Jardín del área vesubiana
- Pintura de Jardín del área vesubiana
- Testa di Medusa, tra scene con navi e città.
- Terme Stabiane
- La Villa di Livia a Prima Porta
- La Villa di Livia a Prima Porta
- La Villa di Livia a Prima Porta
- Templo de Horus enEdfu
- Templo de Horus en Edfu
- Mammisi del Templo de Horus en Edfu
- Cierva amamantando a su cervatillo
- Ramo ibérico de palma blanca
- Palma ritual ibérica
- El Arbol de la Vida
- Vaso de la Diosa con Palma
- Winged male sphinx, Persepolis
- Plaster cast from a section of ancient sculptures, Persepolis
- Agate cylinder seal, Persian
- Fragment de stèle votive, scène d incubation
- The Gods of Delos
- Eurynoe, Hippodame, Eros, Himeros, Iaso and Asteria
- The Contest of Apollon and Marsyas
- Vessel Alabastro. Greece
- Black-figured lekythos
- Sacrificio de un cerdo
- Anfora attica
- Héraclès et le lion de Némée
- Tomb of the Bulls (detail)
- Suicide of Ajax. Exekias
- Mosaic floor of the synagogue of Hamat Tveria
- Salón del trono del Rey Nabucodonosor II
- Escribas asirios registrando el saqueo ... Relieve del Palacio SO en Nínive
- Stone panels from the South-West Palace of Sennacherib, Nineveh
- Stone panel from the South-West Palace of Sennacherib
- Nineveh, Southwest Palace. Assurbanipal
- Wall relief, Assurbanipal and consort dining in garden
- Tablilla de piedra negra. Asarhaddon
- Plano de una villa de Tebas
- Panel of The Palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, Nimrud
- Panel of The Palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, Nimrud
- Panel of The Palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, Nimrud
- Panel of The Palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, Nimrud
- Panel of The Palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, Nimrud
- Panel of The Palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, Nimrud
- Panel of the Central Palace, Nimrud
- Panel of the Central Palace, Nimrud
- Panel of the Central Palace, Nimrud
- Seal from the Urals or Kashimir
- Bronze plaque dedicated to the god Almaqah. Southern Arabia
- Moldura decorativa de bronce. Palacio de Nimrud
- The Black Obelysk of Shalmaneser III
- Phoenician ivory from Nimrud
- Base of the south wall of Kapara´s palace reliefs
- Huida cruzando un rio. Palacio de Nimrud
- Stone panel from the North-West Palace of Ashurnasirpal II
- Arbol sagrado. Palacio del NO de Nemrud. Asurnairpal II
- Stela of Djed-amon-iu-ankh, Thebes. 22nd Dynasty
- Scarab seal. Egypt. Third Intermediate Period
- Panneaux de briques moulées
- Tumba de Sennedjem en Deir el-Medina. XIX Dinastía
- Tumba de Pashedu en Deir el-Medina. XIX Dinastía
- Deir el Medina. Époque ramesside (XIXe-XXe dynastie, XIIIe-XIIe siècles)
- Column with palm capital. XIXème dynastie thébaine
- Cratère aux bouquetins
- Gourde. Gazelles et palmier stylisé
- 11 Etui à kohol. Singe agrippant un palmier
- Tube à kohol. XVIIIème dynastie
- Tube à kohol. XVIIIème dynastie
- Colher para cosméticos. XVIII Dinastia
- Libro de los muertos de Nakht. XVIII Dinastía
- Jardín. Tumba de Sennegem (detalle).Imperio Nuevo. Deir el Medina
- Amenemhab´s tomb. 18th Dynasty
- Representación de jardín en la tumba de Rekhmir. Dinastía XVIII
- Garden pool from the tomb of Nebamun. 18th Dynasty
- Ostraca. Singes grimpant à un palmier pour y cueillir des dattes
- Ostracon. A Monkey, climbing a dom-palm tree. New Kingdom
- Scarab seal. Egypt Middle Bronze Age II
- `Adam and Eve` cylinder seal, Post-Akkadian
- Colonne palmiforme au nom du roi Ounas, Saqqara
- Cilindervaas van koning Ka
- Jar with Boat Designs
- Pintura rupestre en los Montes Akakus
- Pintura rupestre en Tassili