Avda. Isabel la Católica. 41012 Sevilla.
Teléfono: +34 954616895
Doña Maria Luisa, sister of Queen Isabel II, in 1893 donated this extensive and now central park, to the people of Sevilla.
20 years later, J.C.N. Forestier undertook to make it suitable for the future Iberoamerican Exibition of 1929, and he was inspired by the best classicical gardens of Spain and Andalucía.
A succession of gardens was the outcome of his layout, but they fell into a state of abandon soon after the completion of the design, and at the same time, new paths were opened through the centre to take the traffic. All this meant the loss of many wonderful botanical species and substantial damage to pergolas, ponds, etc. The maintenance and care that all these elements need have been shamelessly ignored.